Tag Archives: marriage

Infidelity, How My Marriage Made Me Do It

Ask someone why they had, or are having an affair and you may hear something like this: “I have a lousy marriage. My marriage is dead. There is no intimacy, no sex, and no excitement. The love is gone. We’ve grown apart. I can’t stand the marriage. There was nothing happening in the marriage and the affair just happened.” These statements are rationalizations and fail to “get at” the underlying issues. Key points: 1. It’s as if a marriage is an animal gone bad. A marriage does […]

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Emotional Infidelity, A KEY Tactic To Save The Marriage

Hearing that your cheating spouse is “in love” with someone else is devastating. I hear often, “I can handle her having sex with someone else. I think I can live with that. But, for her to give herself emotionally and “love” someone else…man, that is hard.” (Feel free to substitute the word he for she in this article.) What can you specifically do to increase the odds of saving the marriage? So often the offended spouse reacts with intense feelings and pulls out all stops to “win […]

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Characteristics of the Adulterer

“I Want to Get Back at Him/Her” is one of 6 kinds of affairs I outline in my E-book. This is the “revenge affair.” It occurs in a marriage in which one feels slighted in some manner and seeks revenge by engaging in an affair. It is less a movement toward the other person and more a movement away from one’s spouse. The offending spouse usually lacks the skills of personal confrontation or is frightened by the prospect of someone “getting upset.” When evaluating this kind of […]

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