Tag Archives: spouse

Infidelity, Spying Is NOT Revenge

Do not use what you find on your cheating spouse as ammunition for revenge. Sure, you may have wonderfully violent fantasies of what you would really like to do to him/her and the other person. This is very normal. But, don’t act them out. Using what you find to extract revenge will only lengthen the time of pain and anger. It will undermine your integrity as a person, lower your personal standards and make you exceedingly unattractive. Resist the temptation to sling the mud! Keep what you […]

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Cheating Spouse, Is Spying An Invasion Of Privacy

My, how the cheating spouse cries foul when he/she discovers you are spying. Outrage can be intense: “How dare you!! I never thought you would stoop to that! How could you!? How can there be trust in this relationship if you do that? This is none of your business; I don’t spy and go behind your back! Now you know why I want to pull away from you. How could I love anyone that would do something like that to me?” On and on. Cheating husbands and […]

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Emotional Infidelity, A KEY Tactic To Save The Marriage

Hearing that your cheating spouse is “in love” with someone else is devastating. I hear often, “I can handle her having sex with someone else. I think I can live with that. But, for her to give herself emotionally and “love” someone else…man, that is hard.” (Feel free to substitute the word he for she in this article.) What can you specifically do to increase the odds of saving the marriage? So often the offended spouse reacts with intense feelings and pulls out all stops to “win […]

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Cheating Husband Or Wife

When you spy on your suspected cheating spouse, please make sure you consider all the possibilities you might encounter and whether you can handle them. Have you considered the many situations that spying might uncover? Can you imagine the worst thing you might find? Predict what your response will be to the worst-case scenario. Are you ready? Here are some specific questions to ask: 1) Do I have friends I can count on for support if I discover the worst? Do they know I might need them? […]

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Signs Of A Cheating Spouse

The signs of cheating can vary for each individual. Some people are just plain better at deception than others. If you have a suspicion that your spouse may be secretly hiding an affair with another individual whatever you do do not confront your mate. Confronting your spouse can possibly make the affair harder to prove because they will go to even greater lengths to hide what is really going on. Instead, go over the list of signs and if your significant other is showing or has shown […]

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7 Legitimate Motives for Spying

Should you spy on your cheating husband or wife? You believe you see signs of a cheating spouse. The need to know whether your spouse is cheating and EXACTLY what kind of cheating is taking place is often strong. There are a number of reasons why the drive to spy is powerful. Here are seven: 1. Trust is a big reason, not of your partner, but yourself. Probably for some time you have sensed something is different or questioned the change of behavior in your partner. Perhaps […]

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